My daughter, Olivia, has always been a great night sleeper. Since two months she would sleep through the night, maybe got up once if her diaper was that full. Nap time has been a whole different issue. Unless you were moving (like the car or stroller) she would only take 30 minute naps. Frustrating for me and her. People would always say to me "be thankful she sleeps at night." So annoying! She needs to sleep during the day because babies are supposed to. It is essential for there mental and physical development.
Olivia has been sleeping in her own room and crib since 3 months. For some reason this caused stressed mentally for me and now (to this day) I suffer from insomnia. Which led to our investment for those expensive baby monitors that you can watch and talk to your child. Never thought I would spend that kind of money for something so simple. It did ease the anxiety I had though, so completely worth it! I noticed during her nap times she would toss and turn A LOT! So I started to research about uncomfortable crib mattresses and I came across light sensitivity.
Our bodies produce Melatonin which is your biological clock telling your brain when it is time to sleep. Melatonin is produced primarily in darkness and inhibited by light. Pretty much if it is too light for some people their bodies keep them awake. So I read this other moms blog who bought some inexpensive black out curtains from Walmart. Her son began to take naps and actually helped him sleep better at night. At this point, I said I would try anything. LET ME TELL YOU! Genius! My daughter takes naps like a champ now. We are talking about 2-3 hour naps every time (unless she is teething or feeling unwell). I wish I would have came across that from the beginning. Also, they totally made her room way cuter! If your little one is struggling nap wise, I would highly suggest trying this out first.
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